This specific post is dedicated to a very close and loving friend of mine, Shamima. She is in many ways a muse to my work in design and writing. In turn, she's inspired me on this specific characteristic called: CLASS. Walking through life with grace and obtaining a high level of class is the way to go, especially when it comes to a gentleman. This is for both the gentleman and the proper ladies.

There are many outcomes to a single situation. Regardless of the situation or outcomes (consequences), you must always behave yourself with pure class. Remember to never be provoked by someone who is directly or indirectly insulting you. The number one rule in class is that no one should ever be able to lure you into anything. This goes for those stupid petty arguments you can fall into. Some go out their way to insult you - directly or indirectly - but you must not, under any circumstance, respond to it. This type of mistake feeds those ignorant beings who have serious self-esteem issues. No matter the age of these people, they still believe they are back in high school and playing characters on Gossip Girl. A person can be in their mid 30s and still believe they are the leader of a high school clique. Get real, grow up. And of course, these individuals are so caught up in their self-involved bubble that they will never look in the mirror and admit to their wrong doings. What is the best way to deal with these type of people and situation?
Excuse me for my being blunt, just don't give a shit. Someone insult your character or your mother? Who cares? You know the truth and so do many other people who care for you. I don't just mean a few people (family related), I'm talking about a small population of open-minded caring human beings. You are a grown adult. It's sad and very pathetic to see older women behave so poorly and immature that even my little sister (who happens to be half the other woman's age) can point out and say, "Wow! That's just pathetic." It has nothing to do with age, it's always in the person's mind. In any case, you should always act your age. Leave the immaturity to the adolescent children. Class is walking and not making a single gesture to the other person's pathetic attempt to bring you down. I don't care if it's my family members or acquaintances, I've always reserved myself in the room of class. The moment you show them attention is the moment you have found yourself down to their very low level. I'm sure most of you have encountered these type of people and forces all over. Talking trash on Facebook, really? How old are you again? Xanga, MySpace, or Facebook, doesn't matter what it is, why are you wasting your time typing trash on online social networks? By the way, that was not a plug-in for the movie.
What they fail to realize is that they are making an ass out of themselves by behaving the way they choose to. With class, you don't have to worry because you are already on top of your game. Brush of your shoulders, ladies and gentleman. Stay classy not trashy.
- Gentleman Tip of the Day -
There are certain tips that I know of that I decide not to share simply because they are too damn good and I keep them secret. This little tip used to be one of those secrets but I have decided to share this one as I am sure plenty of women will appreciate this greatly coming from men. This might come-off a little 'cheesy' but I assure it's more seductive than anything else. It's how you act upon this little tip that will do it for that certain someone. This one is directed to those gentleman who are in the "dating" stage or meeting new people. I'm sure all of us have heard the many sweet fantasies women have (some being very naughty). One of those many thoughts and day dreams happens to be the first kiss. I happened to be 'the first kiss' for a couple of girls in the past and I wish I had thought of this back then. Of course, everything is a learning experience, you learn from your mistakes. The first kiss is very important to a woman. But the first kiss that I'm talking about goes to both the virgins and the ones who want to start a new relationship. Gentleman, this is where you come in. If you are planning on kissing that certain someone, first make sure the environment calls for the first kiss. You should already know the basics: No tongue, no slobbering, no grabbing while kissing. Don't be a perv. If anything, she will be the one that will graze her tongue on your lips. How you say? Well, people make one very small yet very significant mistake. I'm sure all of you have seen shows and movies where a guy sprays mint mouth freshener before he talks or is about to kiss a girl. That's fine and all but if you really want the actually kissing be memorable (given the fact that you're not a horrible kisser), pop something sweet in your mouth. Not just anything sweet, put something very specific: Lifesaver Creme Savers. Candy along the same style will leave the...wait for it...sweetest taste in her mouth. Make sure to pop one in your mouth before the meeting, she can't see you busy chewing something and stay away from anything that has a minty taste to it or it will ruin the entire effect. Let your first kiss with her be the sweetest she's ever had...literally. If she doesn't smirk while kissing you or is felt left wanting more, then look else where because it'll be a clear sign this woman will not be able to please. Cross your fingers and make sure the young lady will melt in your mouth (no pun intended).