I recently started using Tumblr. For those who are alien to the site, it's pretty much a quick-hand blogging site. I've decided to use this to share with you all more of my personal life. In a way, you'll see how Mahmood Hossain's mind works. You'll see all the things that I like, love, cherish, and things that inspire me. You don't need to sign on into Tumblr, you can always have a direct feed of my posts through RSS.
You can follow my Tumblr here: http://moodyvintage.tumblr.com/
And, of course, there is always my Twitter, which all of you are very familiar with I hope. Seems like everyone is on Twitter nowadays. You either tweet yourself or just read others blabber within a limit of 140 characters.
Follow my Twitter: @MoodyVintage
Hope all of you are having a wonderful weekend.