Music is a must to everyone who actually enjoys life. Fashion and music go very well together (runways) and pretty much anything else that walks along the side of music. It lifts us up when we are down and it also helps the venting period when we are upset. Those artist who create those wonderful pieces for our eardrums deserve our respect. They say what we can't on a regular basis so we let them do the talking with a melody.
I recently had an altercation with a certain someone (who's gone for good, hopefully) and I all I had to do is listen to Ministry of Sound's Chillout Sessions XII. Literally, it chilled me out. There was no hint of animosity left, as I am not a person to hold grudges in the first place. My iTunes library is an eclectic mix; it's filled with all types of flavors. You'll be able to find the classics (Beethoven, Bach, Mozart) to R&B and modern pop. It's something, I'm sure, neither you nor I cannot live without. As for the ladies and gentleman, we always have a song playing through our speakers or headphones that matches our moods. There is an irony to music as well. You may have enemies that share the same music taste as you do. Now, you start wondering how that reflects the associations you have with your enemy. Personally, I have no enemies (or so I believe) but I can tell you, we have plenty of things in common even if we have never thought of such a thing.
Music is beautiful, it's universal - just like fashion. There are different genres and different styles but they all fit us one way or another. Putting things in perspective is always a pleasant welcome. And by the way, there is nothing wrong with dancing alone in private (laughs).
~ Ladies First ~
I'm sure most of you ladies act accordingly when with your male counterparts. For those with significant others, I hope you find yourself at peace. If not, it's alright there are always small speed bumps along the way. There are though certain behaviors that is not acceptable both from a gentleman's perspective and a proper lady's perspective.
Alienating people is a very easy thing to do especially when you are self-involved. It is important in both your personal and professional life to maintain ties with other people. In the world of networking, it is highly recommended to always check back to a certain individual that you may need down the road. More importantly, in order to build a successful relationship with your significant other there are certain things to keep in mind.
I recently had an altercation with a certain someone (who's gone for good, hopefully) and I all I had to do is listen to Ministry of Sound's Chillout Sessions XII. Literally, it chilled me out. There was no hint of animosity left, as I am not a person to hold grudges in the first place. My iTunes library is an eclectic mix; it's filled with all types of flavors. You'll be able to find the classics (Beethoven, Bach, Mozart) to R&B and modern pop. It's something, I'm sure, neither you nor I cannot live without. As for the ladies and gentleman, we always have a song playing through our speakers or headphones that matches our moods. There is an irony to music as well. You may have enemies that share the same music taste as you do. Now, you start wondering how that reflects the associations you have with your enemy. Personally, I have no enemies (or so I believe) but I can tell you, we have plenty of things in common even if we have never thought of such a thing.
Music is beautiful, it's universal - just like fashion. There are different genres and different styles but they all fit us one way or another. Putting things in perspective is always a pleasant welcome. And by the way, there is nothing wrong with dancing alone in private (laughs).
~ Ladies First ~
I'm sure most of you ladies act accordingly when with your male counterparts. For those with significant others, I hope you find yourself at peace. If not, it's alright there are always small speed bumps along the way. There are though certain behaviors that is not acceptable both from a gentleman's perspective and a proper lady's perspective.
Alienating people is a very easy thing to do especially when you are self-involved. It is important in both your personal and professional life to maintain ties with other people. In the world of networking, it is highly recommended to always check back to a certain individual that you may need down the road. More importantly, in order to build a successful relationship with your significant other there are certain things to keep in mind.
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- The little things matter. Just by calling him and saying, "hi, how are you?" goes a very long way. Those random acts of kindness just to show that you care means a lot to a man even if he won't admit it.
- Too much attention is not too good. That all important space between partners. You have to give your man that respected space as he does with you. There's a very thick line between loving and caring and complete obsession.
- Reassurance. I know most of you like to be reminded of how beautiful are but asking for too much of it should be a growing concern. The fact that he is with you already means that he is satisfied or content. You are reminded constantly by others of how wonderful you look and rarely by him. It's not about the quantity; it's about the quality. He comes home to you and no other woman comes close.
- Appreciate what you have and not on what you don't have. There are many "needy" women out there and on the opposite, many women who are too independent. Too much of anything is unhealthy. Learn how to balance the two. You should be a woman of great desire from your Independence thinking. You should also be a woman of great desire from setting your pride aside and look for comfort. Those characteristics do not make you weak, it simply builds character.
- It takes two to tango. It should never be a one-way street. There is (as I have said plenty of times before) a balance to everything. You should never find yourself giving him all the love in the world and receiving nothing in return. It may be selfless but it's also very unhealthy. Remember, too much of anything is bad. The same goes for you. If he loves you and treats you a woman should be treated and you do not reciprocate with the same amount in return, shame on you. It should never always be about you, you, and you. A woman who needs constant attention is highly unattractive; the world does not revolve around you, sweetheart. In fact, always trying to be the center of attention raises various alarms of colorful insecurities. You seriously suffer from a low self-esteem.
There are so many things to consider in order to continue a healthy and successful relationship; these are only a few things to remember. A successful relationship doesn't mean you two will end up getting married. It means that both parties have a mutual understanding so you two can break-up yet have a mutual respect for each other in going your own way of life with no grudges. That, in many ways, is successful.
Moody Vintage: the meaning behind it. I first created this alias as just an online identity regarding to my graphic designs. Moody is one of the many variations of my name that my loved ones call me by. Vintage is 50% of who I actually am. I'm 50% modern and 50% old school. I can adapt with the times as I must, being a stylist and all. What we cannot deny is that we all get our influences from years past. Vintage clothing actually means the styles from 1920s to the 1980s. Anything before the 1920s is regarded as antique. I love being part of the West Coast in the United States. We are known for our laid-back lifestyle and the West Coast is infested with vintage fashion.
The idea here is never to buy an entire outfit of vintage clothing, just one or two articles of clothing or accessories that you can match with current wardrobe you have. Not too long ago I wore a slim vintage brown striped (diagonally) tie with a modern day leather jacket and white dress shirt. My father rocked the same tie back in the early 80s. I just wish I had a tan fedora to go with it. Gentleman, why I put such a huge emphasis on old Hollywood is to make you understand that back in the day the "bling" was having a tie-clip (tie-bar) and a nice pair of cuff-links. And do not forget that classic vintage timepiece around your wrist. It was elegance at its best and obviously pure class!
The lesson to be learned today is looking back to the real 'old school' is a great way to enhance your modern-day wardrobe. One or two pieces of vintage fashion is a good way to add to your own style. A gentleman looks his best when he is 50% modern and 50% old school. Learn to balance the two and I assure you, the GQ will be written all over. Think Mad Men, minus the smoking...and the heavy drinking. (laughs)
The idea here is never to buy an entire outfit of vintage clothing, just one or two articles of clothing or accessories that you can match with current wardrobe you have. Not too long ago I wore a slim vintage brown striped (diagonally) tie with a modern day leather jacket and white dress shirt. My father rocked the same tie back in the early 80s. I just wish I had a tan fedora to go with it. Gentleman, why I put such a huge emphasis on old Hollywood is to make you understand that back in the day the "bling" was having a tie-clip (tie-bar) and a nice pair of cuff-links. And do not forget that classic vintage timepiece around your wrist. It was elegance at its best and obviously pure class!
The lesson to be learned today is looking back to the real 'old school' is a great way to enhance your modern-day wardrobe. One or two pieces of vintage fashion is a good way to add to your own style. A gentleman looks his best when he is 50% modern and 50% old school. Learn to balance the two and I assure you, the GQ will be written all over. Think Mad Men, minus the smoking...and the heavy drinking. (laughs)